About TecBridge

The History:
As Sarvika Saravanan was born in India, she was introduced to multiple underdeveloped communities. These areas struggled to stay up to date with the technological changes happening around them. Even as a child, Sarvika wondered why these people were not given the same resources as others. Was it that they could not afford technology, or were they not given the same opportunity? Sarvika visited India sparsely throughout the years, and she saw little to no effort being made to combat this issue. In the summer of 2023, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
The Mission:
TecBridge strives to bridge the digital divide, a phenomenon in which part of the world has access to technology and the internet, while others do not. In 2021, more than 37% or 2.9 billion people had not used the internet ever. We aspire to address this global issue of obtaining technological information and resources, by raising money and awareness for the human population to have an equal opportunity to access and utilize the wonderful element, technology.
The Solution:
With the digital divide being a global issue, it takes every single person to bridge the divide. One way to help is to buy our products. 100% of your purchase will be donated to the organizations we work with. With this money, our partners can afford to buy technology for the people of their area. Another way to help is to raise awareness. TecBridge does this by writing articles, which can be accessed on this website, and running a podcast called A Deep Dive Into the Digital Divide, which can be listened to on Spotify. You can also donate directly to our organizations by contacting tecbridgetb@gmail.com, or even send in used technology.